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Day 10 of sturgeon spearing brings low harvest | By Wisconsin DNR

February 21, 2022 – Washington County, WI – Day 10 saw the lowest amount of sturgeon speared this season. Only 22 sturgeon were harvested today.
Jackson Goldapske with his 123.0 pound, 74.5 inch, harvested F4 female at the Blackwolf registration station.

The 22 speared sturgeon brings the total fish harvested on Lake Winnebago to 128 juvenile females, 414 adult females and 354 males.

Today, all stations registered five or fewer sturgeon except Stockbridge, which registered 11 fish. The fish registered includes two juvenile females, four adult females and five males, bringing the Stockbridge registration station to 280 fish.

View the full details in today’s harvest report here.

Jackson Goldapske speared the largest fish today, a 123.0 pounds, 74.5 inches, F4 female registered at the Blackwolf registration station. Blackwolf also leads all registration stations with 20 fish harvested over 100 pounds.

So far, the total number of fish harvested over 100 pounds on Lake Winnebago is 61 fish.

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