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REAL ESTATE | Spring Storewide Sale underway at General Store Antique Mall in Kewaskum, WI

Kewaskum, WI – In an effort to clear the floor following the announcement of the sale and closing of the General Store Antique Mall, 1277 Fond du Lac Avenue, in Kewaskum, the Spring Storewide Sale is officially underway. The sale runs through March 31, 2024.

Grab a friend and pop in before the store closes April 27, 2024.
Open Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m./CLOSED MONDAYS.

Use Detour Route as construction is underway.
Below is the story from March 14, 2024, announcing the sale of the General Store Antique Mall.

Kewaskum, WI – It was December 29, 2017, when Mary Woerner Weber became the new owner of the General Store Antique Mall, 1277 Fond du Lac Avenue, in Kewaskum.


While Woerner Weber always had “a fascination with antiques.”


“I was into the pink Depression glass and then moved to Department 56, the villages, the snow babies. My grandma started me on a toothpick collection when I was born, and she collected chickens so everyone in my family has collected things through the years.”

With a background in law enforcement and drug rehabilitation, Woerner Weber said it was definitely time for a change and she found a “fun job.”

General Store Antique Mall

Now, seven short years later, another change is in the offing as Woerner Weber has sold the 2-story, 14,000-square-foot building.


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“It’s bittersweet,” she said. “I love this. I am so thankful for our wonderful dealers and loyal customers because they became our family through the years. But it has been a lot of work, and right now, with me working full time in addition to family obligations, it’s just been too much.”


The Antique Mall has been a fixture in Kewaskum for over 35 years; the building itself has a rich history. “It’s a 200-year-old building with a lot of character,” said Woerner Weber. “We have a walk-in safe and an ancient elevator that was made in West Bend many years ago.”

Formerly L. Rosenheimer Department Store, Woerner Weber appreciates the history.

“It has ties to the Rosenheimer grocery that started in Slinger,” she said. “It was originally a general store and the Rosenheimer’s owned a malt house across the street, and they used to pipe steam underground to heat the store. The basement has some unique history.”

General Store Antique Mall

The 14,000-square-foot building has been well maintained. Woerner Weber said with so much floor space she does gravitate to the front counter where customers check out. “The old wooden cabinets were probably used for display when this was the old General Store,” she said. “The front counter is where the clerk’s measured and cut fabric; it’s just so historical.”

While Woerner Weber will miss the business, she is grateful for the support she has received. “I will miss that piece, but everybody understands,” she said. “They’ve been very supportive.”

As for the future of antique stores, Woerner Weber said it is a business that’s going through change. “A lot of our dealers are older, so I think a lot of them will be retiring,” she said.

In an effort to help the vendors and clear out the store, there will be a Spring Storewide Sale on March 19 – 30, 2024.

Woerner Weber also plans to run a store closing sale through April 27, with dealers moving out by May 11, 2024.

Miller’s Furniture will take over ownership May 17. It will be an addition to their current store on Fond du Lac Avenue.

Stay tuned, on Friday more details on what’s next from Miller’s Furniture owners Derek and Cheryl Peterson.

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