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Timeline on reopening of STH 175 in Slinger following bridge work

August 21, 2021 – Slinger, WI – Motorists in the Village of Slinger are wondering when a segment of STH 175/ W. Washington Street from Maple Road over the bridge to Spur Road will reopen.

road closed

As of 7:30 p.m. Friday night, August 20, 2021 it was still closed. If a cub reporter can check this morning, Saturday, August 21, 2021, and let me know… that would be super.

STH 175

According to officials in the Village of Slinger contractors started work July 26, 2021 on WIS 175 over County Shop Drive and the Wisconsin Central Railroad; it would take approximately four weeks to complete bridge deck repairs.

The bridge approach pavement will be overlaid. Work is expected to be completed and the road reopened August 21.

Currently an overlay is being put down and the DOT said the project should be finished August 21, 2021.

• WIS 175 will be closed to all traffic at the Wis Central Railroad.
• Through traffic will be detoured along WIS 60, I- 41, and County K
• Local Access will be available up to the road closure located at the bridge



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