29 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Steve Schmitt running for Dist. 7 Washington Co. Supervisor | By Steve Schmitt

January 8, 2024 – Washington Co., Wi – I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for District 7 Washington County Board Supervisor. My name is Steve Schmitt, and I am a current resident of the town of Wayne, where I have resided for the past 30 years.

Letter to the 7

I grew up in Barton and graduated from West Bend West High School, then received a degree in Machine Tooling Technics from Moraine Park Technical College, eventually receiving a Journeyman card. I have been employed at various companies within the tool & die industry ever since, and currently at Tools Inc. in Sussex.

I have been married to my wife Susan for the past 36 years, and together we raised 4 daughters who all attended school in the Kewaskum School District. No stranger to serving my community, I have been a social member of the Kohlsville Volunteer Fire Department for the past 28 years assisting in fundraising efforts. I was also elected to serve a 3-year term on the Kewaskum School Board from 2003 to 2006.

When I saw the article in the West Bend Daily News the week before Thanksgiving, stating William Symicek had resigned and his vacated position for county board supervisor would remain open until the spring election, I knew this was my opportunity to once again step into public service. After filing my intention to run in November, I attended the next County Board meeting, and met Executive Josh Schoemann and Chairman Jeff Schleif. I also attended the Town of Wayne, Town of Kewaskum, and Village of Kewaskum board meetings to introduce myself to those board members and Chairman Klemme, Chairman Wollner and President Martin.

I intend to serve as a dedicated representative of District 7 residents with my full attention and ability committed to advocating for the concerns of the constituency at the county level. My goal is for the voice of the citizens of District 7 to guide my actions as a board member, not simply leading with only my personal viewpoints.

Steve Schmitt, Town of Wayne

(Candidate) County Supervisor District 7


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