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Chief Stephans, Al Laufer to be inducted into Hartford Union High School Hall of Fame | By Steve Volkert

August 25, 2022 – Hartford, WI – Congratulations to Hartford Fire Chief Paul Stephans and Firefighter Al Laufer for entering the Hartford Union High School (HUHS) Hall of Fame.


This fall, as a part of the Homecoming festivities for Hartford Union High School, two more City of Hartford personnel will be inducted into their High School Hall of Fame.

Fire Chief Paul Stephans, a 1980 graduate, and Firefighter Al Laufer, a 1971 grad join Michael “Mickey” Hesprich in the 2022 class of inductees.

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Stephans has been Chief of Hartford’s Fire and Rescue Department since 2006, the first full-time chief in Hartford’s history.

Laufer, better known for his ownership of Laufer Trucking and Wacker Drive Logistics of Hartford, has been a member of the Fire Department since 1978, including being
named American Legion Fire Fighter of the year in 2016.

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