36.8 F
West Bend

State undergoes redistricting process; some wards change | By Jim Healy, Village Administrator

Richfield, WI – Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau publishes information reflecting changes in the population since the previous Census. This information is used by states to redraw local, legislative, and Congressional Districts so that each District has approximately the same number of people.

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All Electoral District Maps must comply with two (2) central federal requirements; equal population and minority protection. Equal population is the most fundamental principle in redistricting because it underpins the entire American electoral process. Adherence to the requirement of equal population ensures compliance with the one-person, one-vote rule the U.S. Supreme Court has held is mandated by the Constitution. Villages with a population of 10,000 to 38,999 must have a population range of 600 to 2,100 per Ward as set forth in Wis. Stat § 5.15 (2) (b).

Please also be advised, as a result of the redistricting process your Ward may have changed at your polling location. The Village of Richfield will continue to hold its elections at Northbrook Church, located at 4014 STH 167 in Richfield. When voting in-person at the polls on Election Day, be sure to stop and ask the Greeter at the entrance what Ward you should be voting in.


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