28.6 F
West Bend

St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus donate to Addison Elementary School | By Bob Kuenzi

Slinger, Wi – The Slinger St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus Council #12588 recently presented a check to Addison Elementary School.


Pictured Left to right; Bob Kuenzi, Addison principal Joel Dziedzic, Rebecca Detert, Anna Scheenberger, and Terry Krall.

This year funds ($2,151) will go toward creating a sensory space, for their students with various needs. The vision is to make this space a warm and calming environment, for students to utilize throughout the school, when they feel overstimulated and need a safe place

To escape for a few minutes. All Donations were received from Local K of C Tootsie Roll Drives and Local Business Canisters.

The St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus, want to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support, of our Tootsie Roll Program.

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