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St. Kilian School in Hartford celebrations begin active season for school | By Steve Sweeney

Hartford, WI – Catholic Schools week for 2023 may be in the history books, but the year is just getting started for students and staff at St. Kilian School in Hartford, WI.

Principal Jenny Trimberger said students and staff at St. Kilian School work hard to promote the importance of Catholic education.


“Every year allows us to try something new and keep the activities that the kiddos like from previous years,” said Trimberger about National Catholic Schools Week. “Different staff members may sit on the Catholic Schools Week committee each year, so new ideas and they do a great job of keeping activities fun with a bit of learning involved, too. This year we had a dress-up theme for each day.”

On Monday, students from St. Kilian School met with our school families, a mix of students from each grade level, and played Bingo.

On Tuesday, students from St. Kilian School headed to Dave’s Lanes in two groups. While the first group bowled, the second group made Valentines for the elderly and then switched activities.

On Wednesday, students spent the day in jammies and made heart wreaths with our school families. We also participated in Flashlight Reading, were our older students read and rotate among our younger students.

On Thursday, our school families participated in a Kickball Tournament along with a parent team. Unfortunately, we ran out of time and the final match has been postponed.

On Friday, students went to church and participated in a Saint Procession. Each homeroom picked two Saints to reflect on and create a presentation about to share with the rest of the school after church.

Each of the Saints were used in a Saint Playoff Bracket that started at the end of January. Students learned about each Saint at the beginning of the day and voted which Saint they wanted to continue in the bracket.

The Championship round of the bracket took place on Friday with St. Nicholas and St. Vincent DePaul facing off. St. Nicholas was the champion.

Students and staff at St. Kilian School worked with other community members, including Dave’s Lanes and Culver’s in Hartford, to name a few. Each of the businesses donated its time or financial support to St. Kilian during the week.

Students also “purchased” animals for the Heifer International organization and our own Barb Arnold Scholarship for [St. Kilian School] alumni who are high school seniors. The students donated $1,230 which will be split between Heifer International and the scholarship.

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“Our school community is one big family,” said Trimberger. “Our class sizes allow the staff to know all of our students, no matter their grade level. I’m biased, but I believe we have one of the best school staffs around. Each of our staff members are at St. Kiilan School to make a difference for our students. They all go above and beyond their teaching responsibilities to make school fun, exciting, and safe. The staff makes my job easy.

Trimberger said she hopes people take the time to learn about all St. Kilian School has to offer.

“St. Kilian will provide a fantastic opportunity for students to learn and explore,” she said. “We have high expectations for all of our students and will meet students where they are in order to become successful, reflective, and creative learners.”

Over the next few weeks, St. Kilian School will host fundraising events including Winter Warmup Raffle and a number of fish frys beginning with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 22.

“We will also host two more drive-thru fish frys on March 10 and 24,” said Trimberger. “We’re planning a Trivia Night for April 28 and our final fundraiser is our annual festival, FunFest which takes place on May 19 and 20 at the Hartford Town Hall campus on Highway K.”

Entertainment for FunFest will include Washington County favorites, The Nix, Candy Cigarette, and Rebel Grace.


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