28.6 F
West Bend

St. Frances Cabrini names Mother Cabrini award winner | By William Waech

February 3, 2023 – West Bend, WI – Each year, prior to Catholic Schools Week, a committee will convene to elect/determine the recipient of the annual Mother Cabrini Award established in 1988.  The committee will consist of the winners of the three previous years, as well as the Principal and the Pastor.  The award is a “Chambers” certificate and a tiny saint of their choosing. The criteria to be considered, but not limited to include:

Perseverance, Missionary Zeal, Simplicity and Educational Mission.


At this time, I would like to recognize past winners that are still teaching with us today.  If you could please stand when your name is called: Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Mac, Mrs. Graper, Mrs. L, Mrs. Lehnerz and Mrs. Heinen.  Thank you for continuing to be shining examples at SFC.

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Now to present this year’s Mother Cabrini Award winner.

This teacher is known through the staff as the one that will bend over backwards for them.  She is always checking on staff to ensure that everything is going well and writes the most thoughtful and beautiful thank you cards I have ever read.  This teacher has filled many different roles through her time here at SFC.  She was a student, a full-time grade level teacher, a parishioner, parent of past and current students, volunteer, and current role as learning coach.  

For the 4 principles Mother Cabrini exuded she hits it out of the park. 

Perseverance, she fights and strives for her students she is seeking to help!  She puts in way more time than she is paid for.  It is all a labor of love for her students.

Missionary Zeal, as mentioned earlier, has a great desire to reach out to other staff members to ensure they are doing alright.

Simplicity- This teacher and her family live a very simple life and devote time to each other and most importantly, God.  

Education Mission- She is all about her students and that is evident by the lessons she creates for them.   

I am excited and proud to announce this year’s Mother Cabrini Award goes to Katie Wolfe.

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