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West Bend

St. Frances Cabrini is a great school | By Sloan Godbout

West Bend, WI – St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School, 529 Hawthorne, West Bend, WI, kicked off National Catholic Schools Week at Sunday Mass with 7th grader Sloan Godbout reading a paper she wrote about the positive aspects of a Catholic education.


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St Frances Cabrini is an exceptional school. Not only the education but also the opportunities and relationships that are built here are what sets it apart from others. Lifelong relationships with God and lasting friendships are made through the way the school is run and how the kids are taught.

The teachers at Cabrini work very hard to make sure kids enjoy learning and are not being put under too much stress. Weekly Mass and visits from priests as well as daily prayer help build faith.

Cast iron

I love so many things about the school, but if I could only pick a few, it would be these:

Number one: Different classes offer a variety of learning styles. We are not only taught by lecture notes and tests, we often work in groups and have creative projects like posters, slideshows, and dioramas.

Each class is different in middle school. Teachers also like to mix it up in elementary school; for example, in social studies, we play a lot of review games and take notes, and in math, we work in groups and on projects.

For elementary school, each teacher has their method of teaching as well. If kids don’t like one way of learning, the next year might be better for them. Teachers also help their students with issues such as misunderstanding homework problems to editing essays. They do this because they care about their student’s grades.

The middle school also offers courses for high school credit, including a two-year health class in seventh and eighth grade that students would usually have to take in high school. They also offer an algebra class in eighth grade for students who are ready for these classes to free up space for other things in high school and help prepare students for what is to come.

Overall, teachers work very hard to help their students in any way they can.

Number two: Our school builds relationships with God and strengthens students. Since Cabrini is a Catholic school, faith is a major part of our education. Elementary and middle school have religion classes at least three times a week; it is treated as a normal class with tests and projects. It is to learn about the Bible.

During religion class, we often pray and do challenges depending on the time of year. For example, last year during Advent, our class participated in a game called the Advent Arena. We would complete challenges regarding the Bible in the Advent season with teammates.

Religion class helps us better understand our faith and how to practice it. We go to Mass every Friday and on Holy Days of obligation or important saint feast days. We pray at least four times a day, including morning prayer, another around 11 o’clock, lunch prayer, and dismissal prayer. We also have priests coming every Friday and visiting classes to talk about anything the students have questions about regarding faith and what they are doing in their religion classes.

Number three: We do things like field trips and service days to create life skills throughout elementary and middle school. We take field trips to places like museums, farms, bowling alleys, and other schools; these experiences help us learn new things. They also help us see and do things we wouldn’t be able to at school.

We also do service projects like writing cards to veterans in elementary school and gardening in middle school. For example, last year our class planted a garden on the side of the school. This gave us experience with gardening that will probably be useful in the future.

The opportunities at the school are different from other schools and will be useful in the future. Our school has a great education, teachers, religion, and learning opportunities.

We also have a disciplinary system that helps students learn right from wrong. Since Cabrini is smaller than most public schools, it’s easier to communicate and get to know people. Our school is led by our mission statement which summarizes how Cabrini is run.

Our school mission is to serve as Christ served and be transformed by the exceptional academic curriculum, and the Catholic faith. Cabrini has a very positive learning environment and is a great school.

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