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St. John’s Lutheran girls’ volleyball team headed to State | By Amelia Mortenson & Ella Miller 

October 25, 2023 – West Bend, WI – St. John’s Lutheran Blue girls’ volleyball team is headed to state. The team is undefeated, won 3 tournaments, and is seeded 5th at state.
Below is an article by team captains Amelia Mortenson and Ella Miller.


This has been a very fun and eventful season for all players. As captains, we have enjoyed leading our team to win 3 tournaments and 20 games.

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Some of our favorite moments are learning how to block, creating cheers, praying for one another, playing a volleyball game called “Columbia,” and learning mental toughness on the court.


One of our teammates, Hadley, said her biggest accomplishment was getting her overhand serves down.

Some of our other players, Addie and Eva, said Coach Mortenson always told us to put our hands on our hearts and say, “I am okay, I am loved, Jesus loves me,” to calm our nerves.

Our oldest and youngest players, Ella and Eden, are sisters.  Ella has enjoyed encouraging her sister on the court as this is the first opportunity they’ve had to play together.

Eden is thankful to have a chance to play with her sister and all the older girls who have welcomed her on the team.  Sam said her favorite part about the team is how everyone encourages each other and doesn’t get down when we are losing.

We asked Sophia what our team goal was for this year, and she said to make it to state.  We have reached that goal.  We are the second team in our school’s history to make it to state.

We start pool play on Friday, October 27, 2023, at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School at 4 p.m., 5:45 p.m., and 8 p.m.  Let’s go Eagles!

Horicon Bank


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