30.8 F
West Bend

It ain’t easy bein’ green: spinach crop takes a hit at Witte’s Vegetable Market | By Gus Witte

Washington Co., WI – Witte’s Vegetable Market, LLC, 2313 County Hwy NN, West Bend, WI, is now open for business. However, there is some unfortunate news.
While Dad was disking the rye field, he unintentionally also disked the early spinach field. So, for all of you who got some the past two days, enjoy it as the next field is a few weeks off.



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Until then, Witte’s will still have asparagus and hopefully some head lettuce soon.

We do have some good news today. We got the old duetz out with the corn planter and put the first corn seeds in the ground.

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