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West Bend

Special Veterans Day Ceremony in West Bend featuring U.S. Army Drill Team 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)

West Bend, WI – There will be a Veterans Day Ceremony, Friday, Nov. 1 at the West Bend High Schools.
The ceremony will include an afternoon all-school assembly with veterans and their families invited as honored guests.
There will be a special performance by the United States Army Drill Team from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) based in Washington, D.C. 

The U.S. Army Drill Team is a precision drill platoon with the primary mission of showcasing the U.S. Army both nationally and internationally through breathtaking routines with bayonet-tipped 1903 Springfield rifles.
The U.S. Army Drill Team performs for military, government, non-profit, and civilian organizations. Through their daring and complex performances the U.S. Army Drill Team acts as “good-will ambassadors” for the Army, supporting community relations and recruiting efforts on behalf of the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) and the U.S. Army.

There will be special recognition of veterans from West Bend and Washington County including 29 West Bend High School veterans killed in action.

Event organizer Scott Mindel is asking for an email RSVP so he can plan accordingly.  More details will be released as the event draws near.



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