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West Bend

West Bend Special Olympics softball team takes Gold; event hit with storms

August 9, 2021 – WI, – Saturday, August 7, was an exciting day for the West Bend Special Olympics softball team as they participated in the State Tournament at Carroll University in Waukesha.


The West Bend Sluggers Softball Team won their first game 17-4; they defeated Oregon in their second game 7-4 after 2 innings after the game was called off due to severe weather, cinching a Gold Medal for the Sluggers. The team will receive their medals at a later date due to the cancellation of the remainder of the event.

Congrats to West Bend Sluggers: Mike Arguijo, Nick Biersack, Joey Derntez, Tom Dillman,  Rachel Fenner, Tim Grochowski, Ryan Huettel, Bryce Limbeck, Santo Mortillaro, Abby Spence, Ben Werner and coaches Santo Mortillaro, Jeff Werner, Sharon Werner, Mary Fiegel

The West Bend Palinas bocce Team of Crista Christman, Mary Grover, Melissa Lepak, Kristen Niemuth, Julie Schemmel, and Coach Joan Kienbaum received fourth place in their division.

The West Bend Special Olympics team recently received the Ribble Donation. Read more HERE.


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