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Special meeting may be called for do-over vote on July fireworks in Village of Kewaskum

June 2, 2020 – Kewaskum, WI – A trustee on the Kewaskum Village Board is asking for a do-over on the Monday night 4-3 vote to cancel the July 3 fireworks this year.

Kewaskum Fireworks

On Monday night, June 1 trustees Richard Laubach, Dave Spenner, Jim Hovland and Jim Wright voted against holding the event considering concerns about COVID-19.

Kewaskum Village Trustee Jim Wright

Reached by phone Tuesday morning, trustee Wright said he did not feel comfortable with his decision and he was exploring what it would take to bring the discussion back before the board.

“Initially I was concerned about attracting more people to Kewaskum and causing more problems in light of all the unrest going on today,” Wright said. “However, after not being able to sleep last night I’m reconsidering that vote.”

Wright said his about-face came when he considered the trend of how everything’s being taken away from families during this pandemic.

“In Kewaskum we lost our ability to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the community and that was really, really upsetting.  Basically, you are talking about an hour or less time for the fireworks,” said Wright.

The fireworks, according to Wright, would have to be relocated to the new Reigle Park because there’s not enough parking space available at River Hill Park. “According to the fire chief and the police chief that would be feasible,” said Wright.

Department heads are currently determining whether a special meeting would be needed in the coming week or if a decision could be made at the June 15 board meeting.

According to Roberts Rules of Order a decision can be brought back before the board for consideration.

All it would take to swing the decision in favor of the fireworks would be one trustee who in opposition Monday night to vote aye. It also means the three who voted to hold the fireworks would also have to vote the same. That would then secure a majority vote, 4-3, in favor of the fireworks.

Those who voted to hold the fireworks included trustee Richard Knoebel, trustee Sarah Severance and Village President Kevin Scheunemann.

Stay tuned.

This is a working story and more details will be posted when information becomes available.

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