43.3 F
West Bend

Souls for Souls collecting shoes for veterans

West Bend, WI – The City of West Bend Fire Department along with other fire departments across the state of Wisconsin will be participating in Soles for Souls by collecting new or slightly used shoes that will be donated to veterans at Wisconsin Veterans Home in King, according to Ron Naab, one of the event coordinators for the area.

shoes soles for souls

Soles for Souls, was created to honor the 8 EMTs/Paramedics killed and 343 FDNY
firefighters that perished on September 11, 2001. This year is the 20th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, and the goal is to collect at least 351 pairs of shoes in remembrance of those that lost their lives that day.

Shoes will be collected now until August 31; contact Ron at rjnaab@gmail.com for pickup or dropoff information.

On September 11th, representatives from the City of West Bend Fire Department will take all shoes to the Wisconsin State Firefighters and EMS Memorial Park in Wisconsin Rapids. Cash donations will be given to Wisconsin Firefighters & EMS Memorial to help expand the Wall of Honor.

A memorial service will be held at noon. The public is invited to attend. Those who wish to bring donated shoes directly to the event should have them at the gazebo before 11 a.m.

“We believe this is an awesome venue to honor these great individuals that dedicated their lives to serving others,” said John Sponholz.

For more information, contact Ron Naab at rjnaab@gmail.com or John Sponholz at sponie.536@sbcglobal.net.

Cash donations may be made out to GUF ATR (“shoes” in memo line) and mailed to P.O. Box 333, Allenton, WI 53002.


Horicon Bank

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