48 F
West Bend

Moose Lodge 1398 Sociable Bike and Car Night Benefit is Wednesday, August 17

West Bend, Wi – Moose Lodge 1398, 1721 Chestnut Street, West Bend will be hosting a benefit “Sociable Bike and Car Night” on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Entry to the event is free and open to the general public.


All donations will go towards two very special brothers:

Six-year-old Cameron Apel has been diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia and is in need of a bone marrow transplant.

Apel’s very brave four-year-old brother, Harrison, is a match and ready to give his healthy “bows and arrows” (bone marrow) to make his big brother Cameron better.

Bring out your custom bikes and hot rods; let’s make some wishes come true.

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There will be door prizes every night (must be present to win).

Food, beverages, face painting and safe play area, and more.

Buy your raffle tickets $5/each or $5 for $20; drawing will be August 17.

Horicon Bank


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