41.5 F
West Bend

Make Cinnamon Swirl Soap leaves at Saturday Farmers’ Market | By Ann Marie Craig – Century Farmhouse Soaps

West Bend, Wi – The door slams behind me as I carry the last load of soap from the house to the waiting car. Geese honk overhead as the dawn light slowly creeps into the indigo sky, and the chill in the air makes it clear that autumn has arrived.


Getting ready for the farmers market was a weekly adventure for years, but it feels right to be setting off again to spend a beautiful fall Saturday morning under a tent, talking about soap, and seeing people who have become friends over the years as they walk by with their own market treasures.


Farming in one way or another has been a part of my family’s traditions for generations, and I’m excited to also celebrate with Deanna and Roger at their 6th Annual Schmidt Century Farm Open House on Sunday.

Deanna’s great-grandmother was also my grandmother – who lived in my house and inspired me to learn to make soap. Deanna’s dad is my cousin – and you’ll see him and other family members of both Deanna and Roger making their open house a real celebration of farm life.

This weekend’s Century Farmhouse fun includes cut-your-own tiny Cinnamon Swirl Soap leaves* and soaps on sale so there’ll be room for the newest bars of the season, ready in a few weeks.

Pick up a template of leaf shapes taken from leaves on trees and bushes on the Century Farmhouse land. The story of each leaf is included on the template page.

*while supplies last

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