44.9 F
West Bend

Sneak peek inside the new Garden Lounge in downtown West Bend

Feb. 27, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Watch for a soft opening this week at the new Garden Lounge, 258 N. Main Street in downtown West Bend.

Garden Lounge in West BendGarden Lounge in West BendGarden Lounge in West Bend

Owner Jeremy Hahn has been working on the business build out the last six months.

The inside of the lounge features a comfortable setting decorated mostly in white, black, and gray.

The Garden Lounge will open daily at 8 a.m. and feature Colectivo Coffee along with breakfast sandwiches including a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit, donuts and Bloody Marys.

Garden Lounge in West BendGarden Lounge




Hahn has a full bar along with phone charging stations in the back.

The menu will also include fried pig wings, mozzarella sticks, toasted ravioli, and pizza.

The Garden Lounge is expected to be open daily until 10 p.m. or as late as bar time.


On a history note, can you name some of the previous businesses in this space?

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