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Slowest sturgeon harvest since 2019 | By Wisconsin DNR

February 16, 2023Fond du lac, WI – Only 11 sturgeon were harvested Wednesday between Lake Winnebago and the Upriver lakes. This is the first time we’ve seen harvest this slow since 2019 when we had a few days with only 10 fish harvested. Eight fish were harvested from Lake Winnebago (0 juvenile females, 4 adult females, 4 males) and three from the Upriver lakes (0 juvenile female, 1 adult females, 2 males). There are still 2 adult females left until the 90% trigger is activated or 10 more adult females until the 100% cap is reached on the Upriver lakes. Colder weather is on its way into the area, so we may see an increase in spearing activity Thursday.

kobriger sturgeon

View the full details in today’s full harvest report.

There were no 100 lb. fish harvested today. The biggest fish harvested was a 75.4 lbs., F1, female that measured 67.1 inches long, speared by Anthony Woelfel.

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While we get really excited about seeing the big fish come in, it is also good to see smaller fish as well. Why? Small fish mean there are more new fish growing into the population. It’s these smaller fish (generally 55 inches or smaller) that will one day replace the larger fish. This balance between a good number of big fish and fish on the smaller end of the spectrum is another indication of a healthy sturgeon population in the Winnebago system. There are enough resources for the fish to grow to over 100 lbs. but also enough resources to allow the next generation to thrive.

Hopefully the tides will turn, and the forecasted lows will help solidify ice conditions. If you are headed out tomorrow good luck and, as always, be safe.

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