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West Bend

Scholarship offered by VFW Zunker-Held Post No. 3358 in Slinger | By Adjutant Tom Haase

Slinger, WI –  The VFW Zunker-Held Post #3358 is announcing a scholarship award in honor of Herb KieferndorfHerbert Edward Kieferndorf Jr., ZunkerThe scholarship is a tribute to Kieferndorf and his work with the VFW as post historian and for his mentoring of young people at Slinger High School.

Kieferndorf served our nation in the Wisconsin Air National Guard at the 128thARW in Milwaukee, WI. He worked with the Badger Boys and Girls; another important program for the VFW.

Kieferndorf was also a member of the Allenton American Legion Post and was on the  Americanism committee. Kieferndorf passed away March 2020 at 84.  We really miss his service he gave to his country and community of Slinger, WI.

The award will go to a senior graduating Slinger High School in June of 2022.

Slinger High School has the forms needed to apply for this scholarship in the counselors office. The scholarship will be $500 towards college or higher education training.

Zunker-Held VFW Post # 3358

Box 231

Slinger, WI. 53084



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