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West Bend

Search warrant nets drugs, cash and firearms; felony charges issued against Slinger man | By Lt. of Detectives Tim Kemps

August 29, 2023 – Slinger, WI – Investigators with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force and Slinger Police Department conducted a search warrant of a James Street apartment in the Village of Slinger on Thursday, August 24, 2023.
The search warrant resulted in the seizure of over an ounce of cocaine, more than $12,000 dollars in US Currency, seventeen firearms including a machine gun, thousands of rounds of ammunition, ballistic vests, psilocybin mushrooms, and marijuana.

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Robert Cleveland, a thirty-seven-year-old Slinger man, was already in custody at the Washington County Jail on unrelated charges at the time of the warrant.
The safety of the community is our highest priority. The apartment building was part of several multi-family units in the area. The fact that we were able to execute this warrant while Cleveland was in custody greatly minimized any potential risk to the public.
Chief of Slinger Police Department Dean Schmidt said, “This was a great joint effort by Slinger Police Department members and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force resulting in the arrest of an individual who clearly has little respect for his neighbors and the community of Slinger”.
Cleveland has been a target of the Washington County Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Unit for several months as he was known to sell cocaine at Slinger area taverns. Last week Slinger Police investigators obtained actionable information that allowed drug investigators with the task force to obtain a search warrant for the residence based on probable cause that the apartment contained drugs and other contraband.
Cleveland is now charged with multiple additional felonies and misdemeanors including keeper of a drug house while armed, possession of a machine gun, possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, and others. His bail was set at $100,000 dollars cash by the Honorable Judge Giernoth and he remains in custody at the Washington County Jail.
According to the directive of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicity, a charge is merely an accusation, and a defendant is presumed innocent until, and unless, proven guilty.
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