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Slinger School District survey deadline is today at 5 p.m.

June 23, 2020 – Slinger, WI – The Slinger School District deadline is today, June 23, for the current back-to-school survey. Superintendent Daren Sievers said there is currently 1,605 responses out of 2,970 for a participation rate of 54 percent.  “This is an incredible response,” said Sievers.
Click HERE for a look at the survey.
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The survey closes today, June 23, 2020 at 5 p.m.  Sievers will present the findings to the Slinger School Board on Wednesday night, June 24, 2020 at 6 p.m.  A copy of the results will be sent to parents and staff on Thursday morning, June 25, 2020.
Below is more information sent to parents in the Slinger School District on Wednesday, June 17.
Good morning Slinger Parents-
Survey Error
There was an error on the survey but it was fixed quickly and all of your answers will be fully usable and accurate.  We will have great feedback on how you felt about the homebound learning efforts in the Spring while also knowing your feelings about how school should look in the Fall.
Survey Progress
We already have 1,044 responses so far, so we are getting a great turnout and super input from you.  Thank you!   You have until Tuesday, June 23 at 5  p.m. to take the survey.  Please take 5-10 minutes and let us know your thoughts.
Key Dates for Fall Planning 
June 15-June18:  The Department of Public Instruction and State Health Department are meeting to discuss the guidance and parameters for opening public schools for the fall.
June 22:  The guidance and parameters for opening public schools in the fall are made public by the Department of Public Instruction and the State Health Department and will be processed by the County Health Departments across Wisconsin.
June 23: The Ozaukee/Washington County Health will present their recommendations for opening public schools in the fall to the superintendents of these county schools.
June 23:  The School Perceptions Survey closes at 5 PM
June 24 at 6 pm:  The Slinger School District will hold a Special Board Meeting to share the results of the School Perceptions Survey and hear a report on what was shared at the Ozaukee/Washington County Health Department meeting on June 23rd and begin our planning for Fall 2020.
August 2:  Parents will hear what school options are available to them for the Fall of 2020 so they can decide what will be most comfortable and beneficial for their family.
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer weather.  Thanks for your support of Slinger Schools.  We WILL get through this TOGETHER.

Daren Sievers

Slinger School District
“It’s the little things that make a BIG difference.”
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