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Slinger School Board member steps down

January 25, 2024 – Slinger, Wi – An announcement was made during this week’s Slinger School Board meeting, January 22, 2024, as board member Joe Havey is stepping down.

Joe Havey school

Havey, who has been on the school board for more than 10 years, cited family issues as the reason he would be leaving.

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“I greatly appreciate the community giving me the chance to serve and appreciate everything the board, district, staff have worked with me on,” said Havey. “Some of you know my wife was diagnosed with cancer this past year and my mom’s been diagnosed with dementia, so it is time for me to spend my extra time elsewhere.”

School Board President Roman Weninger praised Havey for his commitment to doing what was right for students. “It has been an honor serving on this board with you. Your honesty, integrity and you didn’t back down when we were dealing with issues like Critical Race Theory. You stared it right in the face and said, ‘we don’t have that here.’ I will never forget that,” said Weninger.

“You supported the administration and the teachers, and everyone involved including the board. So, thank you very much. You were very impressive, and I appreciate your service from the bottom of my heart. It has been an absolute pleasure.”

School Board Clerk Cherie Rhodes told Havey she always felt they were in this together. “Between you and Roman and me, we were the three amigos because we all started at the same time,” said Rhodes. “I appreciate your dedication and service and you’re definitely someone who we could agree to disagree but walk out as a united front and that’s ok because that’s what the community expects from all of us. I appreciate being your teammate, and challenging me when I needed to be challenged, and supporting me. Thank you.”

Havey was first elected to the Slinger School Board in 2013. He was most recently reelected to a 3-year term in April 2022. He was currently serving as the chairman on the Curriculum Committee. He was also on the Budget Committee, Building and Grounds and he was an alternate on the Policy Committee and Transportation Committee.

During the 2022 election Havey issued a campaign statement. “I joined the board in 2013 because I loved the community/school relationship, but also to improve the strength of our school staff engagement and partnership with the board. As a manager in corporate settings, I wanted to help guide the school system toward a business model for managing our team. This model included a mix of staff accountability; holding team members to the Slinger Standard, plus managerial accountability where the school board builds a new relationship, post-Act 10, within the school system.”

Havey has one year remaining in his term.

Weninger said the board will look to fill the seat. “The position will be posted, and we will conduct interviews and choose the candidate we all agree on,” he said.

The person selected to fill the 1-year term will have the opportunity to run for the seat in the 2025 election.

The Slinger School Board consists of seven members, each elected to a three-year term.

“I do appreciate the things we’ve been able to accomplish the past 10 years and I appreciate the Slinger School District and Slinger community,” said Havey.

More details will be released when information becomes available.

On a side note: There are 3 candidates on the April 2024 ballot running for two open seats on the Slinger School Board. The order on the ballot is: Ken Strupp, Bill Brewer, Cheri Rhodes.



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