42.8 F
West Bend

Slinger Lady Owls roll on to victory over West Bend West | By Ron Naab

Jan. 4, 2017 – Slinger, WI – The Lady Owls of Slinger traveled to the east side of Washington County to take on the West Bend West Spartans’ girls basketball team on Thursday evening.
At the halftime the Owls were in the lead 25 – 19 over the Spartans.  However after the break, the Lady Owls were fired up and took control of the game scoring 26 points to the Spartans’ 19.  
Final score had Slinger downing West Bend West 51 – 35.
Leading scorers for the Lady Owls: Anna Breuer with 13, Emily Rothenhoefer chipped in 11 and Kylah Schmidt contributed 10. The Spartans’ leading scorer was Alex Rondorf with 17.

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