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Slinger Lady Owls improve to 18 – 5 on the season with win over Hartford | By Ron Naab

January 23, 2021 – Slinger, WI – Slinger Lady Owls hosted the Hartford Lady Orioles on Friday night for a final regular season game.

Slinger took an early lead and never let up.  At the half the Lady Owls held a strong 41 – 26 lead and ended the game, 68 – 50.  All 11 Slinger team members were able to hit the boards against Hartford. Leading scorers for Slinger were Mallory Hoitink with 22, Samantha Goeller with 19 and Kacey Ott with 10.  Slinger finished with 9 three-pointers. Hartford was led by Maci Meyer with 17.

Tuesday night the Lady Owls will face off against Port Washington Pirates. The Lady Owls are ranked 49th in the state with 18 wins and 5 losses.

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