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Slinger Lady Owls gear up for Friday night game on the road in Hartford | By Ron Naab


Feb. 1, 2018 – Slinger, WI – The Slinger High School Lady Owls basketball team traveled to Cedarburg Tuesday evening to play its final game against the Bulldogs this season.

Slinger took early control of the game and never looked back.  Leading scorers were Anna Breuer with 13 followed by Maddie Rothenhafer and Sydney Reinhardt with 10.

Final Score was the Owls with 67 and the Bulldogs at 37.

Next game on the calendar the Lady Owls will travel to Hartford on Friday night as part of a varsity double-header evening.  The girls will tip off at 5:45 p.m. followed by the boys game at 7:15 p.m.




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