41.3 F
West Bend

Slinger Lady Owls continue winning streak | by Ron Naab

January 29, 2021 – Port Washington, WI – On Thursday, January 28, the Slinger Lady Owls traveled to meet up with the Port Washington Pirates after the game was postponed Tuesday night. Slinger continued their winning streak with a decisive victory over the Pirates and a final score of 75-27. Leading scorers for Slinger were Kacey Ott with 16, Mallory Hoitink with 14 and Samantha Gueller with 11.  In all, 10 Lady Owls put the basketball through the hoop for Slinger.

Also on Thursday, the West Bend West Spartans fell victim to the Hartford Orioles with a final score of 48-41. West Bend West’s loss put Slinger in first place.

Tonight the Lady Owls play host to West Bend East Suns.

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