37.9 F
West Bend

3 Slinger H.S. students receive Herb Kohl Student Excellence and Initiative Scholarship | By Kristi Brooks

Slinger, WI – Slinger High School proudly recognizes Erica Rosner, Addison Rahmlow, and Sydney Leis for being selected as Herb Kohl Student Excellence and Initiative Scholarship recipients.


“Erica, Addison, and Sydney are truly deserving individuals,” said Slinger H.S. principal Phil Ourada. “They demonstrate academic excellence and display a high level of leadership in our community.”


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The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation’s expansive generosity continues to enlighten Wisconsin’s public schools. With 304 phenomenal students, teachers, and administrators being celebrated in 2024 for their impressive endeavors, the Foundation carries on the legacy of its late founder, former U.S. Senator, and philanthropist Herb Kohl.

Horicon Bank

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