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Slinger High School Student Council gives back to the community | By Delaney Braun

August 16, 2020 – Slinger, WI – The Slinger High School Student Council was able to hold its first in-person meeting since the shut down in March. The meeting included incoming freshman and focused on giving back to the Slinger community.
Slinger students

The 48 volunteers, including 45 students, worked with the assistance of Mrs. Bremer, Ms. Beine, and Mrs. Keliher; the group was able to sew 100 masks for Autumn Oaks Assisted Living.

Slinger High School students wrote 100 greeting cards for senior citizens and donated $300 worth of school supplies to the Washington County United Way.

United Way

On top of that, the international club at Slinger donated backpacks filled with school supplies.

The Student Council focused on creating a positive environment despite all the changes and regulations taking place at the high school by creating many positive and inspirational posters for the hallways at SHS.

The council separated into three groups each working on projects for two hours this summer.

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