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Slinger edges Homestead in Friday night football | By Delaney Braun

September 3, 2022 – Slinger, WI – The 3-0 Slinger High School football team advanced past Homestead in a 7-3 victory  Friday, September 2, 2022.

The touchdown for the Owls was scored by Senior Cameron Groves in the second quarter.

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This was a huge accomplishment for Groves as he is the teams kicker.

Senior quarterback Tanner Hora showed off his talent with multiple long and accurate passes which advanced the team quickly.

Slinger’s defense was extremely successful in stopping Homestead.

Senior linebacker Thomas Stowers had multiple sacks against Homestead’s Senior quarterback Sal Balestrieri.


This is the fourth year Slinger has won against Homestead High school.

Next week, Slinger takes on Cedarburg at home at 7 p.m. Cedarburg is 0-3 after its loss to West Bend West this Friday.

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