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Slinger Citizen Academy now accepting applications through August 16 | Slinger Police Department

Slinger Police

Slinger, WI – The Slinger Police Department would like to thank everyone for your continued interest and support with both our department and our Fourth Annual Citizen’s Academy. Given the interest and success we have had, we are looking to increase our class size and will now continue to accept applications through August 16th, 2019 for this year’s session.

The academy is being held from September 5 through October 10, 2019 at the Slinger Village Hall, 300 Slinger Road. Attendees must be at least 18 years old. Preference will be given to Slinger resident and business owners/employees. Space is limited.

As a reminder, applications may be picked up at the Slinger Police Department, 300 Slinger Road, or downloaded by clicking HERE.

Participants will have the opportunity to make mock traffic stops, investigate mock crime scenes, and more as well as learn about the functions of the Slinger Police Department in a hands-on, interactive environment.

Completed applications may be mailed or dropped off at the Slinger Police Department, 300 Slinger Road, Slinger, WI 53086. and directed to Lt. Gullickson.


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