36.7 F
West Bend

Silver Lake Country Inn is for sale

Town of West Bend, Wi – Silver Lake Country Inn, 5602 Peters Drive, in the Town of West Bend is for sale.

Silver Lake Country Inn

A couple highlights….

Located on Silver Lake in the Town of West Bend is the famous Silver Lake Country Inn. Known for its delicious food, great prices and a fun Supper Club atmosphere. This ”turn key” and extremely successful business is truly a hidden gem.

Silver Lake

Cozy bar area with 10 bar stools, booth areas and pub table seating. Dining room consists of 30+ tables. Fireplace. Living quarters on the property, 2 bed 1 bath. Separate 12×10 office space. Ample car parking. Access to Silver Lake with a pier for boat parking. Two tax key parcels.

Deeded easement with Yacht Club lake access for additional parking. Sale includes Real Estate, Equipment and Transferable licenses. P & L statements available for serious buyers. Will share recipes and the tricks of the trade….. Priceless.

Still “business as usual” at the Silver Lake Inn while the sale is underway.

Click HERE for more photos and asking price.

The property is listed by Leitner Properties.

American Commercial Real Estate
Horicon Bank
Cast iron

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