47.4 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Sadness Shrouds Samaritan | By Debra Kison & Bill Koch

October 25, 2024 – West Bend, WI – Since Samaritan was sold, terms and conditions of the sale are still secret, made behind closed doors. We immediately felt the change, residents and staff.

Letter to Samaritan

There was a ceremonial photo-op signature signing in the parking lot of Samaritan to document this “transaction.”  Perhaps a congratulatory handshake and pat on the back between the county exec Schoemann and board chair Schleif acknowledging a job well done between the two.

They finally rid themselves of the  money-draining, monkey on their back, nursing home.  With those signatures, they amputated the spirit and gutted soul of once was Samaritan. Never again will county residents experience the warmth and sense of family atmosphere that once was here.

Almost immediately the food quality and flavor declined.  Essential supplies for resident safety and dignity also have gone downhill.  The rooms are being filled continuously with rehab patients.
To accommodate the need, a Milwaukee based  agency staffing source has been called in.  The only thing we long-term and rehab patients are guarantied is a revolving door of unfamiliar faces from different backgrounds and work ethics.  The present staff are stressed, overwhelmed to care for the remaining residents and rehab patients here.
The county exec, Josh Schoemann said “the only way to save Samaritan, was to sell Samaritan.”  The black and white is, they abandoned their aging and disabled. Although we’re grateful to stay here, our quality of life, the life we had under county ownership, is no more.  We long-term residents will die off, one by one, when it’s our time. We’re the only witnesses of what used to be, “back in the day.”
The lives of the 2022-2024 county board of supervisors, who sold us and future residents out, will go on unaffected by their fateful decision made April 12, 2023. They have no idea what they’ve done…
On behalf of Samaritan residents,
Debra Kison
Samaritan Resident/Author
Bill Koch
Samaritan Resident


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