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Praise for a united front in law enforcement in Dodge County | By Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt

August 10, 2022 – Dodge Co., WI – On Monday, August 8, 2022, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Beaver Dam Police Department with a tactical situation.  This note is not about the situation itself, but about the collaboration that occurred during the incident itself.


Upon responding to the incident, the sheriff’s office and the police department staff worked side by side seamlessly to resolve the situation peacefully.  Not one person was injured, including the suspect.

Recently, the Mayville Police Chief put out a release that Dodge County agencies have never had a better working relationship than they have right now.  That was once again evidenced Monday in how our teams came together with the Dodge County SWAT Team, Beaver Dam ERT, communications officers, negotiators, tactical EMS, detectives, patrol deputies, police officers, DCERT and others working together.

Beaver Dam Fire and EMS also responded and stood by during the entire incident and were ready to respond if needed.  Thankfully, their expertise in medical aid was not needed.

I certainly do not want to forget about our friends from the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office who responded with some additional equipment, which they had, and also some equipment from the Fond du Lac Police Department which aided in a successful resolution.

Sheriff Dale Schmidt is extremely thankful for the relationships built with our neighboring sheriff and police agencies coming to assist whenever called upon.

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While all of what is mentioned above is fantastic, we want to also share something new that we utilized yesterday.  That was the partnership between our police and sheriff’s office negotiators and Dodge County Health and Human Services.

Early on in the negotiations, the decision was made to call a social worker to respond to the scene to work with the negotiators as they worked through this difficult situation.  Having a social worker on site provided an opportunity to gather information about the subject’s past giving insight to our negotiators on how negotiations should proceed.  Sheriff Dale Schmidt and Health and Human Services Director Rebecca Bell have already had conversations this morning about how to continue that relationship into the future to always ensure the best possible outcome whenever possible.

Finally, the staff of the Holiday Inn was fantastic to work with.  The professional staff of the Holiday Inn certainly played a key role in the success of this operation.

Thank you to all who were involved in yesterday’s incident and thank you to the community for your patience while we worked to end the situation peacefully.  It certainly ended in the best way possible.

Horicon Bank




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