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West Bend

Sheriff asks for assistance following thefts at Washington County Memorial Union Cemetery | Lieutenant Tim Kemps

November 27, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – Washington County Sheriff’s officials are seeking the communities help reference a series of thefts that have been occurring at cemeteries throughout southeast Wisconsin. Over the past several months several jurisdictions in the region have been experiencing thefts of bronze vases from grave sites.

Bronze vases from WC Union Memorial Cemetery


On October 18, 2019 Washington County Memorial Union Cemetery at 3358 Paradise Drive in the Town of West Bend had around 50 bronze vases taken from graves. The total property loss is over $20,000.

It is believed vases are being stolen for their scrap value. “We take these thefts very serious and are utilizing all of the resources available to us to bring some justice to the families of the deceased. Committing crimes against the interned and their loved ones at these sacred locations cannot be tolerated. We are asking for the public’s assistance.”

If you have any information about these thefts please contact Washington County Sheriff Investigator Ashley Glamann at (262) 335-4407 or Ashley.glamann@co.washington.wi.us.

We appreciate the public’s assistance in this matter.


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