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Free event: Teen sexting culture and revenge porn | By Washington Co. Anti-Trafficking Advocates

Hartford, WI – There is a free event Wednesday, March 22, 2023 in Hartford, WI hosted by Washington Co. Anti-Trafficking Advocates. The event will offer a unique perspective on Teen Sexting Culture & Revenge Porn with guest speaker School Resource Officer Kali Reiman from Hartford Police Department.
It will be an interesting conversation and we encourage you to come ready with your questions on the topic as we will leave plenty of time for Q&A.
We know many families in our community are dealing with issues related to Sexting, Revenge Porn, Sextortion and other forms of online exploitation, so you can feel confident that you are not alone.
DATE: Wed, March 22, 2023
TIME: 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
(Doors open at 6pm for snacks, refreshments & networking)
730 Highland Ave.
Hartford, WI 53027
Let’s have the difficult conversations with kids early and often, and together we will keep kids safer and healthier.
(Age appropriate for anyone actively using a device with photo sending/receiving capability).
For any questions or concerns please call Wendy at 262 224-0528 or email wcatadvocates@gmail.com

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