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Serious injury crash on State Highway 33 and County Highway TW in Horicon


Sept. 23, 2017 – Dodge Co., WI – At approximately 3:19 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office 911 took reports of a serious, two-vehicle traffic crash at the intersection of County Highway TW and STH 33 in the Township of Hubbard in Dodge County.

The initial investigation shows a northbound passenger car entered the intersection and collided with a westbound pickup truck.  Traffic going north and south at the intersection is controlled by a stop sign.  East and westbound traffic is not controlled.

The driver of the northbound car was transported by Flight For Life to Aurora Summit Hospital with suspected serious but non-life-threatening injuries.  The driver of the westbound pickup was checked by ambulance members for minor injuries.  No names are being released for at least 24 hours following this press release.

The Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the crash by the City of Horicon Police Department, Mayville Police Department, Horicon Fire and EMS, Beaver Dam Paramedics, Flight For Life, and DCERT.  The crash is under investigation by the Crash Investigation Team (CIT).

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