36.7 F
West Bend

Series of 11 OWI-related complaints in Wash. Co.

Washington County Sheriff

Operation while intoxicated 4th

A deputy was northbound on US 45 in the area of Paradise Dr. At 12:06 am on 7/30/16 and observed a vehicle traveling in front of him erratically.  At one point the deputy personally observed the vehicle straddling the centerline of US 45 for ½ mile.  The deputy stops the driver, a 37-year-old Milwaukee man, and arrests him for OWI 4th offense.   

Operation while intoxicated 1st:

Three minutes after the above call…..

A deputy stopped a 33-year-old City of West Bend woman for speeding on Cty Tk P near Hy 60 on 7/30/16 at 12:09 am. Upon making contact with her, the deputy noticed several signs of impairment.  The driver acknowledged she had been drinking and was subsequently placed through field sobriety tests.   She was taken into custody and determined to have a blood/alcohol level of .11.

Assist Kewaskum Police with intoxicated subject at park:

A deputy assisted Kewaskum Police Department with an intoxicated subject at Kiwanis Park that was yelling and screaming at the crowd during a baseball game on 7/30/16 at 8 p.m.   The subject was located in the parking lot. Our deputy stood by as a back-up officer until Kewaskum Police were able to resolve the situation.

Underage Alcohol Consumption at Washington County Fair:

An hour and 53 minutes after the above call…..

Deputies made contact with a 17-year-old Palm Bay FL juvenile that was drinking at the fair.  He was cited for that violation. This incident occurred at 9:53 pm.

Female passed out at the Washington County Fair:

47 minutes after the above call……

A deputy assigned to a security detail at the Washington County Fair located a 46-year-old Village of Jackson woman passed out behind the petting zoo on 7/30/16 at 10:40 p.m.  During the contact, it was determined she was on probation for OWI 4th offense with minor passengers in vehicle.   A condition of her probation was absolute sobriety. She was subsequently arrested for that probation violation and transported to jail.


Underage alcohol complaint:

A deputy on patrol observed a vehicle make a U-turn on STH 28 in the area of Townline Rd in the Town of Kewaskum on 7/31/16 at 2:12am.  The vehicle then parked on the shoulder. As the deputy approached, he saw four males standing in the roadway.  When questioned they said they were going to a nearby graduation party.   Several subjects were identified and one 18-year-old Town of Farmington male was issued a citation for underage alcohol consumption.

Operation while intoxicated 1st

18 minutes after the above call…

Another deputy on routine patrol stopped a 28-year-old Village of Kewaskum man on 7/31/16 at 2:30am for traveling 82 mph and with his high beams activated towards oncoming traffic on STH 33 near Aurora Rd.  The deputy noted signs of impairment and the driver was subsequently arrested for 1st offense operation while intoxicated.  The driver’s blood/alcohol level was .19.

16-27784 Operation while intoxicated 1st

An hour and 2 minutes after the above call…

A 33-year-old rural Campbellsport man was arrested for 1st Offense OWI after he began tailgating another vehicle while traveling north on US Hwy 45 as he flashed his high beams at another driver several times.  The incident occurred on 7/31/16 at 3:22 am in the area of the 18th Ave. overpass in the City of West Bend.   The operator was observed driving erratic and nearly went off roadway several times before being stopped by deputies on US 45 just south of Kewaskum.  The driver’s blood/alcohol level was .13.

Underage alcohol complaint:

One minute after the above call….

Deputies responded to a residence in the 700 block of Ravine Ridge Dr. in the Village of Richfield for a noise complaint at 3:23 a.m. on 7/31/16.  As the deputy arrived he observed the subject retreat into the residence.   Deputies then made contact at the residence and the home owner answered who subsequently had his son come outside and meet with the deputies.  It was determined the son, 20, had been drinking at another residence in the Village of Richfield.  During the investigation deputies also located another 20-year-old City of Hartford female hiding in her car.  Both subjects were issued underage consumption cites.  

Disorderly Conduct

On Saturday evening at 8:37 p.m. the Sheriff’s Office responded to a restaurant in the Village of Richfield for a report of 22 patrons in one dinning party becoming belligerent with restaurant staff.  Many of these subjects were reported to be intoxicated.  Prior to the deputy’s arrival, it was also reported one of the patrons threw a plate of food at a staff member.  The eating establishment simply contacted our office so the incident would not escalate.  Our investigation revealed there was a dispute over the level of service and pricing.  The deputies maintained the peace as the subjects were escorted off the property by responsible parties.

Accident with personal injury and operation while intoxicated 1st

On August 1 at 2:26 am the Sheriff’s Office responded to the area of Cty Tk WW north of Hwy 33 for a report of a possible personal injury accident.  The responding deputies located the accident scene and determined a Dodge pick-up was northbound on Cty Tk WW when the driver went into the east shoulder and struck a mailbox.  The operator then over-corrected and crossed the road and went into the west shoulder.  The vehicle then continued off roadway and diagonally went through a pasture fence, breaking through it in two different locations, and continued through another ditch and finally came to rest in a bean field about 200 feet off the roadway.  About 10 cows escaped through the broken fence, and as of this writing four cows are still not accounted for.  The vehicle sustained severe damage including airbag deployment.  The driver left the scene prior to law enforcement’s arrival but was later located on Cty Hy H and identified as a 24-year-old Village of Kewaskum man.  He had minor injuries and was arrested for OWI and a probable probation violation as he was on a restriction of absolute sobriety.


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