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West Bend

Seminar on “Meeting Tomorrow’s Feeding Challenges Today” is February 28

Fond du Lac, WI – The 2019 growing and harvest season will go down in the history books as the most challenging one in memory. Alfalfa winterkill, record precipitation, below normal temperatures, delayed planting, excessive mud, and brutal harvest conditions made for a difficult year for farmers and custom business owners who work with farmers.

Farming tractor

The effects of Mother Nature from 2019 certainly have had, and will continue to have, an impact on feed inventories and quality throughout Eastern Wisconsin.

Because of the financial impact of feed quality and quantity on the milking herd and replacement animals, UW-Madison Extension in six counties will be hosting a “Meeting Tomorrow’s Feeding Challenges Today” Seminar, as part of the popular “Supporting Farmers During Challenging Times” meeting series.

The meetings will be offered, simultaneously, at two locations on February 28.  One meeting will be held at Extension Fond du Lac County located on the Fond du Lac Campus of UW-Oshkosh, 400 University Drive, Fond du Lac, WI. The other meeting will be held at Cobble Stone Creek, 800 Ryan Street, Brillion, WI.

Property loss management








Registration for both meetings will start at 9:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 10 a.m. and concluding by 3 p.m.

The agenda and speakers for both meetings will be the same.  Topics and presenters include:

Feed Hygiene: High Quality Silage for High Quality Performance by Michelle Chang-Der Bedrosian, VitaPlus Forage Products and Dairy Technical Service Specialist

Does She Grow or Should She Go? Heifer Inventory Management Strategies by Tina Kohlman, Dairy and Livestock Agent, UW-Madison Extension Fond du Lac County

Avoiding Financial Disasters—Planning Ahead to Management Feed Emergencies by Kevin Jarek, Crops, Soils, and Horticulture Agent, UW-Madison Extension Outagamie County

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