29 F
West Bend

It’s a family affair at Witte’s Vegetable Market in West Bend, WI | By Gus Witte

West Bend, WI – Gus Witte of Witte’s Vegetable Market, LLC, 2313 County Hwy NN, West Bend, has put the plow to hand early this spring. Witte shares this update from the field as the season looks promising weatherwise.
No two seasons are ever the same. This year is no exception. The long-range forecast shows lots of chances for rain and way above-normal temperatures. So, for the first time ever, the first field of cole crops hit the dirt in April. (Cole crops are plants that belong to the mustard family and are descendants of wild cabbage. These plants grow better in cool weather.)


For comparison, Witte’s Vegetable Market normally plant its field 7 to 10 days from now. The reason for this is so the local farm doesn’t get behind. Too much rain next week could keep us out of the field. Also, cole crops are kohlrabi, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

It has been a family affair recently getting the onions in the ground before the weather locks us out. In case anyone is wondering, onions can handle temperatures in the low 20’s.


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