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West Bend

What do you remember about grade school and the science of photosynthesis?

Washington Co., WI – We’ve had quite a bit of rain lately and some warmer days as well; you can also see the grass is starting to get greener.

daffodils, photosynthesis

That process is photosynthesis.

Back in my days on WBKV it was one of the fun radio interviews to get soundbites of people struggling to recall their fifth grade science class or dioramas with the sun and water and wasn’t chlorophyll part the equation as well?

One of the priceless comebacks regarding the definition of photosynthesis was from Melissa Gloff of West Bend who said in motherly fashion, “Judy… why don’t you just go ask Mrs. Koegler.” ( teacher at Green Tree Elementary.)

What do you remember about grade school science and your days of photosynthesis?


On a side note: Mrs. Koegler actually came over to my house on the last day of school to watch a Cecropia Moth hatch. She had me speak to her class a couple weeks earlier and bring my collection of moth pupae  for show and tell.


When the moths hatch their body is about the size of a quarter and the wings are the size of a dime.  Then they air out their wings they’re about as big as your hand.  Then they take off to live a short life. They can’t eat so they basically mate, lay eggs and die.

Side side note: I took one of the newly hatched moths to Milwaukee when I worked at Channel 12.  Weatherman Mark Baden was really into the moths too. Then he took it on air and showed it on TV.  I panicked because I thought it was going to fly up into the set lights and fry.

That didn’t happen but the news director wasn’t happy and I think Mark got reamed out about what was deemed an “antic” on live TV.

Good grief.

Good times!


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