37.6 F
West Bend

Has Germantown School District lost focus of education? | By Jean Merry

July 28, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Second Step is a new/updated social and emotional learning (SEL) program being introduced in the schools, including the Germantown School District.

Guest editorial schools

Second Step (secondstep.org) is another program for indoctrinating children. The main site pages are platitudes about social and emotional well-being, with no substance – and a push for involving parents and entire communities – all day – all year.

All school focus is on the indoctrination of our children. We hear virtually nothing about learning materials, teacher support, class time and programs, etc., for teaching reading, writing, math, grammar, social studies, fact-based history, geography, science, etc. Everything we hear is equity; racism; emotional, social, and gender issues; political correctness; interpersonal relationships; etc.

Is any time or teacher attention left for what school is supposed to be? With declining ratings for student achievement of the basics, school and teacher time and resources are evidently poorly managed. Doesn’t anyone see this as a sign that the administration, school board, and teachers have lost the focus of educating in favor of indoctrinating students? Is any significant effort being made to surface effective resources to teach subjects for which kids go to school in the first place?? If the time and effort currently expended on indoctrination were spent on teaching, student achievement scores would improve.

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