18.5 F
West Bend

School updates from across Washington County

March 13, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – Schools across Washington County are notifying parents about moving forward with education and safety considering the current environment.

Below is a note from Germantown School District Superintendent Jeff Holmes

Dear Parents and Staff,

The health of our students, staff, families, communities and most vulnerable is of utmost importance and we support all efforts to reduce the impact of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released guidelines for school districts on school closures on March 13, 2020.   In consideration of the unprecedented situation in Wisconsin and the nation, both the North Shore and Washington Ozaukee Public Health Departments support “medium length” school closures for schools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

Germantown School District along with the following school districts: Brown Deer, Cedarburg, Fox Point- Bayside, Glendale-River Hills, Grafton, Maple Dale-Indian Hill, Nicolet, Northern Ozaukee, Port Washington, Mequon-Thiensville, Shorewood, and Whitefish Bay will be closing for the next four weeks with the possibility of extension.

This means that Germantown School District, along with others, will be closing for a four week period beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 with school tentatively resuming April 14, 2020. Any further adjustments to school calendars will be handled by individual school districts through local control.  Each district has an individual plan to navigate this closure.  Logistical information will be provided later this afternoon or early evening to staff and parents; i.e., travel guidelines/requirements, distance learning protocol, facility access, work hours, contact lists, etc.

The impact of a single case in any one school in a district is extremely significant. If one student or staff member becomes infected,  everyone who was in close contact will need to be quarantined for 14 days. Close contacts include anyone who spends time, within six feet of the positive case. When considering the proximity of a school environment, the contacts and exposures grow exponentially, and quickly. We are supporting closures before community transmission is confirmed to greatly reduce further spread of the COVID-19 in the community. We recommend that you follow the CDC and Public Health Department guidelines regarding social distancing and group size for gathering.


Jeff Holmes   Superintendent  Germantown School District

Holy Angels School event        From Principal Anne Weiss

Holy Angels Gifts From the Heart Raffle and Fish Fry Postponed

Due to COVID-19 concerns, we have made the very difficult decision to postpone our event that is scheduled for March 20th. Memos from national and local health authorities have determined that social distancing reduces the risk of spreading or contracting the virus. We are taking the CDC recommended precautions to avoid the possibility of unnecessarily exposing our community to any potential illnesses. Watch for an update with a new date for the event in the coming months. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you.  Principal Anne Weiss

Extended School Closure Information (COVID-19) for Hartford J1

Parent Letter

A copy of the parent letter sent home on March 12, 2020 is attached below.

COVID-19 Parent Letter (3/12/2020)

COVID-19 Parent Letter (3/12/2020) – Spanish

Instructional Programming

Recently a questionnaire was sent to Hartford Jt. 1 School District families inquiring about technology access for at-home online learning in case the district is closed for an extended period of time. If you have not yet completed the questionnaire, please do so. The questionnaire was sent out electronically and in hard copy.

Individualized learning paths and teacher assigned lessons will be utilized using Exact Path K-8 for Reading, ELA, and Mathematics. In addition, teachers may leverage online formats they are already using with students for providing content and assignments such as Google classroom or curriculum programs that provide students with online materials.

Virtual students will maintain status quo for accessing online coursework and assignments.

Teachers may also assign hard copies of these learning packets for students to complete.


Special Education Services

Teachers will plan ahead to ensure students have appropriate accommodations required for the student to continue to access Virtual Learning if it is appropriate for services to be administered online.

Special educators will work with students and caregivers ahead of the Virtual Learning Time to clarify expectations for learning and how support will be offered prior to and on the day.

Special education services that cannot be provided virtually within a reasonable amount of time will be rescheduled.

Case managers should be available throughout the day to communicate with students and parents. They will let students and caregivers know that if the students could not engage in the learning for the day that they would make up the learning.

The District will provide a continuation of services to students upon their return to school.


English Language Learners

  • Exact Path provides a translation tool for English Learner students to continue their learning path in their primary language. Other online platforms may also be utilized to support EL learners as well as hard copy materials.


  • Since the District will be closed, bus service will be suspended until schools reopen for classes.

After School Activities & Building Rentals

  • After school activities will be canceled during an extended school closure and access to the building by non-district staff will be prohibited.  School policies, guidelines and building use contracts state “the District reserves the right to deny the use of school facilities when the Board deems it necessary. If school is canceled due to weather, snow emergency, etc. the (building use) contract is void.”

Emergency Closings Notifications

The School Emergency & Electronic Communications letter included with registration packets contains information to opt in for emergency text messages and emails from the District. A “Skylert” tab is available in the Skyward Family Access system. Skylert allows parents to easily setup their emergency contact preferences. If you have questions about your Skyward Family Access account or password, please contact your school office. If you have problems with the setup, please call 262-670-1678 for technical support.

School closings for the School District of Hartford Jt. #1 schools, other K-8 area schools and Hartford Union High School are announced as “HARTFORD AREA SCHOOLS.” If the School District of Hartford Jt. #1 has to close alone for an emergency, the closing will be announced as “HARTFORD JT. #1 SCHOOL DISTRICT” (this includes Central, Lincoln & Rossman Schools as well as our 4K sites and early childhood).

The District may also use a mass text, email and/or phone system to disseminate information. Parents of children at Lincoln, Rossman, 4K and early childhood sites are required to complete an Emergency Dismissal form indicating where their child is to go in the event it becomes necessary to dismiss before the end of the regular school day. If you have not completed this form or if information on this form has changed, it is your responsibility to notify the school your child attends.

  • When the Hartford Joint 1 District or school closes due to inclement weather or other emergency, all activities in the District or at the school will also be canceled for public use.
  • Food Service
  • State agencies are not required to provide meal service during school closures. The District is continuing to monitor USDA and Wisconsin DPI communications in case requirements, expectations or conditions change.


School Nurse: Everyday actions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

Students will wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water is not available, they will use hand sanitizer.

Teachers will review recommended hand-washing techniques with students.

Staff will encourage all students to keep hands out of their mouths, eyes, or nose to prevent germs from entering their body.

Staff will instruct students to cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash immediately. Tissues are available in the classroom but if not available, the student will cough or sneeze into their elbow.

Staff will discourage the sharing of food.

Staff will clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily and as needed with approved antibacterial products.

Maintenance will increase the frequency of building cleaning on an as needed basis.

Staff and students should stay home if they have cold or flu-like symptoms. The Parent/Student Handbook (pages 12-13) states a student should not return to school until they have been without symptoms and without the need for medications to control the symptoms such as fever-reducing medications for a full 24 hours.








Below is a note from Slinger Schools Superintendent Daren Sievers

Good afternoon-

As you can imagine, we have been meeting extensively and making as many plans as possible to protect your children and insulate Slinger from any unnecessary risks and exposures to COVID-19.  We are trying to take a prudent and sustainable approach to this world-wide epidemic.


Our approach going forward will be based on doing everything in our power to provide the core, essential learning day you and your child deserve and have come to expect from us.  Closing school will be a last resort because we know that most of our families are not well equipped to handle a school-wide closing of multiple days.  However, your child’s safety will come first in everything we do.

DQ Blizzard

Going forward we have made the determination to designate activities as “essential” and “non-essential” educational activities.  “Essential” activities are part of our core day and involve Slinger students only mingling with each other and our staff on a day to day basis.  “Non-essential” activities are activities that involve the students going off-site, mingling with other students from other schools, or those activities that bring students from other schools to our campuses or bring outside visitors to our school buildings and campuses

So, all field trips, class trips, and competitions that take our students off campus and involve interaction with others have been cancelled indefinitely with hopes for re-scheduling at another time.  All events that bring guests here such as guest speakers, guest luncheons, and outside school visits have been cancelled indefinitely with hopes for re-scheduling at another time. And, all building usage by outside organizations has been suspended until further notice.


Events such as after school practices, after school credit recovery programs, after school tutoring opportunities, and before and after school daycare will continue as planned because those activities only involve Slinger students and Slinger staff interacting with each other.  All athletic competitions with other schools are cancelled until further notice.


This is going to be our stance from today until the end of Spring Break on April 17.  If things improve dramatically before then, be assured that you will hear from me.


In the meantime, our cleaning and maintenance team is doubling down on their cleaning and disinfecting processes and will do so indefinitely.


My hope is this unprecedented challenge will resolve itself sooner than later.  Until then, please use the resources I sent you last week and are reposted below as a supplement to the stance we took today on behalf of your kids.  And, when in doubt, please keep your children home from school if they are not feeling well despite how many absences they may or may not have already incurred. Now is not the time to worry about perfect attendance. We will work through this together.

Tips and resources from last week:
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Help your students to wash their hands well
  • Do not drop off your sick child at school
  • Stay home when you’re sick
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing
  • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms








Links below to the Centers for Disease Control information about COVID-19:
Links to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services information about COVID-19:
·         https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/covid-19.htm
·         https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/outbreaks/index.htm
Link to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction webpage:
·         https://dpi.wi.gov/sspw/2019-novel-coronavirus
Thanks for your support of Slinger Schools.
Daren Sievers
Kettle Moraine Lutheran


Dear KML Family,


We are closely monitoring the rapidly changing Coronavirus situation and are working with state and local officials to determine how it will affect school and public events in the days to come. Please join us in asking for God’s protection as our school and our nation deals with this pandemic.

At this time there are no plans to cancel school, but upcoming public events will be affected:

Please read the following linked document:

KML Coronavirus Information.pdf (This is general information about the virus.)

All KML Coronavirus information is also now available at www.kmlhs.org/coronavirus. We will also post updates on:


If you have any additional questions, please contact the KML Main Office at office@kmlhs.org or 262-677-4051.



 Below is a note from West Bend School District Superintendent Don Kirkegaard

March 12, 2020

Dear West Bend School District Families:

The West Bend School District continues to monitor the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with the safety of our students, staff, and families in mind.

The school district continues to be in close contact with the Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for guidelines and counsel.

Non-Essential School Activities

As an additional precaution, West Bend, along with Kewaskum, Slinger, and Hartford Union High School, are immediately canceling all non-essential school activities until further notice. We will not involve our students in activities or field trips based outside of our schools, nor take the chance of exposure from outside groups coming into our schools. Practices for high school and middle school athletic teams and co-curricular groups will continue. Please check with your child’s school if you have questions about certain events.

To decrease the chance of unnecessary exposure and school closure, we are discouraging unnecessary visits by parents, volunteers, and others to our schools until further notice.


We have set up a webpage that features the updates related to the West Bend School District and COVID-19. Each time the district has a new update to share, parents will receive the information in an email and it will be posted to this webpage. The website also includes information on precautionary measures and other resources on COVID-19.

The direct link to the page is click HERE

Prevention Reminders

Our staff and school nurses are being extra vigilant in observing proper precautionary measures. Here are some school district policy and illness prevention reminders:

— Students with a fever cannot return to school until they have been fever-free without the aid of a fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours. This practice also applies to our entire staff.

— If your child is not feeling well, keep them home from school.

— Be aware, the virus spreads between people who are in close contact with one another through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Please frequently remind your children to practice preventive measures, including:

— Wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds.

— Hand washing is the most effective way to keep hands virus free, but if soap and water is not available use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of both hands and run them together until they feel dry.

— Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

— Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inside of the elbow and wash hands after.
Additional District Precautionary Measures

— All district Chromebooks will soon feature a screen saver with information on the preventive measures listed above.

— CDC posters on effective hand-washing will be placed near sinks in all schools.
School Cleaning 

Classroom floors are cleaned using a hospital-grade disinfectant and other surfaces are sanitized daily. This cleaning regiment is increased if there are a large number of absences due to illness. In bathrooms, urinals, toilets, floors, and sinks and fixtures are cleaned and disinfected daily. Partitions, doors, and mirrors are cleaned and waste is emptied.
Kitchen and Cafeteria Safety

Our school kitchens meet the USDA’s stringent cleanliness requirements and are monitored by the health department. Here are some details on the measures they take each day:

— Hospital grade/food grade disinfectant/sanitizer used for all surfaces.
—  Use of sanitation by heat or chemical for all dishes in dish machines. All dishes are run through the machines; nothing is hand washed.
— Proper hand washing and glove wearing techniques are used and monitored.
— Utensils and pans on all serving lines are replaced with clean ones between lunch periods.
— All utensils used by students are individually wrapped.

One enhanced precaution we are now taking is having all condiments in individual containers.
Additional Preparation 

To prepare for all possible scenarios, the West Bend School District has obtained a number of CDC-recommended supplies, including:

— Hospital-grade disinfectant for inventory

— Equipment to aid in and enhance the process of disinfecting school facilities

— Personal Protective Equipment for custodial and maintenance employees

Additionally, we have provided small-group training for custodial/maintenance employees on CDC-recommended processes.

The West Bend School District is committed to providing you with the latest information and answering any questions you may have about this pandemic. Please contact a school office with questions.

Thank you,

Don Kirkegaard


This is a fluid story and more details will be posted when information is available.

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