February 15, 2023 – West Bend, WI – My name is Bill Schulz and I will be on the ballot April 4th for the West Bend School District School Board. I’m a second-generation truck driver with two kids, a 10-year-old that attends Silverbrook Intermediate School and a four-year-old who will be attending a 4K program in the fall.

I’ve been attending school board meetings for a year and a half to which I’ve only missed four due to work (one) sickness (two) and injury (one). I’ve been vocal about issues concerning the district and I’ve gotten the feeling that the school board doesn’t care. Almost as if my words go in one ear and out the other. That is not a good quality trait a board member should possess, which is what separates myself from them.
My job as a truck driver requires effective communication skills with my dispatch, customers, and shippers and receivers. I enjoy talking and meeting new people over lunch or coffee. I will bring an open ear and closed mouth when faced with issues brought to my attention. After hearing the full story, I will then act in a timely and effective manner along with providing updates along the way.
I look forward to providing insight and ways on how this district can get a better grasp of our bullying problem that leads to school safety issues. I will not tolerate bullying in our schools amongst students or staff.
As the money manager in my household, I run a tight but effective budget. I will bring that experience forward and be part of the budgetary process. I work well with administration already throughout my involvement, and if elected that will continue.
Our proficiency scores are headed in a direction I don’t like to see. To address this, I will fully support teachers in giving them the freedom to teach our students best practices while remaining within the confines of the Department of Public Instruction recommendations as well as aligning with our curriculum.
Again, I’m Bill Schulz, and I’m looking for your support and vote on April 4th. I openly support Nick Stewart and Laurie Schloemer-Aleven as a part of the “Three S’s” in spots 4, 5, and 6 on the ballot.
Bill Schulz
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