43.8 F
West Bend

First day of school stays priority for this farm Dad | By Gus Witte

August 28, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – Farmers and their families sacrifice a lot for their farms. Concerts, sporting events, birthdays, family get-togethers, summer vacations, and the list goes on and on.
We are just normal people with normal interests just like you. However, most of us have an understanding that if we take care of our farms the farms will one day in turn take care of us. Today is the one day for me.


The farm takes a back seat if only for an hour. The boys are 5 and start kindergarten today. I know I won’t get these days back.

I made a decision last year that I would never miss a first day of school send-off. They may not remember or care someday but I will and that is good enough for me.

Gus Witte is co-owner of Witte’s Vegetable Farm LLC,  2313 County Hwy NN, West Bend, with his wife, Tiffany.

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