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West Bend

Scholarships honoring two Lioness Lion Girls of the Month


Maggie Kieser, Angie Thornburg and Kerewyn Cass

July 25, 2017 – West Bend, WI – West Bend Lioness Lions Club has given a pair of scholarships honoring two “Lioness Lion Girls of the Month.”

Lioness Lion Angie Thornburg presents checks for $500 each to Maggie Kieser from West Bend East High School and Kerewyn Cass from West Bend West High School.

Kieser is planning on attending Washington University in St. Louis to pursue a double major in Biochemistry and French.

Kerewyn is planning on attending UW-Washington County with the intent to transfer to Carroll University for a degree in Animal Science.


Photos submitted by West Bend Lioness Lions Club


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