29.3 F
West Bend

Pridemore Freedom Fund awards scholarship to HUHS alum Marina Weber

Hartford, WI – Tina Pridemore is holding the third $500 check given to the winner of the “Pridemore Freedom Fund” scholarship to Hartford Union High School alum Marina Weber.


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To qualify for the scholarship, Weber submitted a 200-word essay about her family and her reasons for wanting to go to college.

Weber was a K8 student at Erin School prior to attending Hartford High School where she was a very active student and a 2021 graduate. While at HUHS she participated in tennis, band and DECA, was a member of the National Honors Society. She also volunteered at church and food distribution activities.

Weber currently attends Hillsdale College – famous for never having taken any government funds since it was founded in 1844.

Maintaining a “B” average this year will make Weber eligible to receive her last check next year with graduation to follow. 

Horicon Bank



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