36.4 F
West Bend

Schmidt Road resurfacing starts Tuesday, September 8 in West Bend

West Bend, WI – Schmidt Road between Creek Road and Barton Avenue will be signed to minimize through traffic starting Tuesday, September 8, 2020 until approximately October 2 for pavement reconstruction.  Please note the project dates may be adjusted due to weather conditions or other circumstances.


The general contractor for this project is from Jackson, Wisconsin.  Construction activities will include milling and pulverizing existing roadway, grading and evaluation of roadway base, storm sewer, concrete work, and placement of hot mix asphalt pavement overlay.  There will also be a number of subcontractors working at various times during the project.


The contractor will provide construction zone flaggers during all working hours and ensure local access to residences and businesses.


We ask motorists to abide by all traffic control signs and devices, as well as be aware of ongoing construction activities.  Please plan on using alternate routes to avoid construction whenever possible.


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