November 4, 2024 – West Bend, WI – Some great news during a difficult economy as Schmidt Century Farm in West Bend, WI, has received a portion of a $3.1 million grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). The award is through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI).
After a lengthy application and grant-writing process, Schmidt Century Farm learned it is one of 41 projects to receive funding through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI). The program is designed to support middle of the supply chain infrastructure.
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Deanna and Roger Schmidt run the farm on St. Anthony Road: Roger is the sixth generation to work the original farmland that dates to 1865.
Deanna learned about the grant opportunity a year ago during her first FEED Summit, in Madison. It was during her second summit in October when she found out they were one of the recipients of the USDA RFSI grant.
“I attended the summit in hopes of learning strategies and concepts of value-added food products from the farm,” she said. “What I didn’t expect was to find our farm qualified for some grant opportunities. I always thought grants were for schools or non-profit organizations and was pleasantly surprised to learn about farm grants geared toward the middle of the supply chain.” Â
The funding will come in extremely handy as the Schmidts work to finish their new Schmidt Century Farm Store. “We want to help educate our neighbors in buying locally grown products that will be better for their bodies, minds and souls,” said Deanna. “It feels good to support our friends and neighbors and keep our local economy strong.”
It was September 2024 when the Schmidts announced the new Farm Store project.
“I am so proud of what my husband and I have developed at Schmidt Century Farm,” she said. “The RFSI equipment-only grant will allow us to purchase 4 pieces of commercial kitchen equipment as well as an upgraded maple syrup evaporator.”
“The grant equipment with not only help our farm develop value-added food products but will also benefit area farmers, bakers, and small food entrepreneurs to succeed in their own journeys and aspirations.”
Schmidt Century Farm Commercial kitchen will be in housed in the new building that will also have a new Farm Store, ADA accessible bathroom, second floor meeting space and heated tractor repair shop.
The Farm Store will offer the opportunity to sell the value-added food products made in the commercial kitchen.
“In the future, we hope to have periodic events like ‘Burger Night on the Farm, Coffee and Cows, Breakfast on the Farm,’ just to name a few,” said Deanna.
As a co-leader of the Wayne Crusaders 4-H, Deanna said she is looking forward to working on other grants to help with farm research, education, and food resiliency.
“Some may ask ‘why’ we are doing all this, and I’ve seen firsthand that what you eat really does affect 80% of your body. Healthy eating is the core of having a healthy body,” she said.
“Know Your Farmer, Know your Food at Schmidt Century Farm.”
Click HERE for more details on the $3.1 million grant and other recipients
Website: DATCP Home Wisconsin Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program